Employees should aim to ensure good relations with their employer and fellow employees and should:
- Avoid conflict between personal interests, or the interests of any associated company or person, and their duty to their employer.
- Not make improper use of information obtained as an employee or disclose, or allow to be disclosed, information confidential to their employer.
- Seek to be a responsible employer or employee and be honest and trustworthy at work.
- Act openly, fairly and respectfully at all times, treating other employees, colleagues, clients and suppliers with equal respect, consideration and opportunity.
- Accurately and completely account for and record all business dealings.
- Not provide or accept money, gifts, entertainment, loans or any other benefit or preferential treatment from or to any existing or potential supplier or business associate, other than occasional gifts, entertainment or remuneration, which are provided as part of accepted business practice, provided this is not likely to conflict with any duty that is owed to their employer.